Cholecalciferol is the active ingredient in Vitamin D3 AND Rat Poison. The same ingredient in your vitamins, and added to milk, yogurt, cereal, bread, and many other foods.
Is it an accident? Or further evidence of population control measures? Regardless of intent, taking small doses of this poison everyday in your food and with your vitamins will reduce your lifespan and quality of life.

Cholecalciferol removes calcium from your bones and deposits it in your blood. Hypercacemia. A high enough dose will kill ya. There is no antidote.
The Harvard Vitamin D3 study demonstrated the reduction in bone density.

It puts the “D” in d-CON.
It’s a Con alright…

If you exceed the “recommended” dosage, Vit D3 / Cholecalciferol can kill you. It’s added to many different processed foods, energy drinks, bars, milk, bread, pasta, juices and more in addition to just vitamins. It’s not hard to comprehend with so much exposure, overdosing can be a factor most overlook… And won’t recognize the traits when people die of this form of poisoning.

If a child eats multiple Gummy vitamins, that taste like candy and has already been consuming them daily for months, and has been eating/drinking other foods with Vit D3 they could easily buildup dangerous levels, overdose and suffer injury or death as a result.

I know some will tell you that rats are more sensitive than humans, they’re also smaller…

If you doubt me, try an appropriate dose and film it for the YouTube files. I bet you win a Darwin Award. But if you live, you get to say you won the bet!

Funny how they use rats to test products for humans because they are so similar, with the exception of cholecalciferol???

Here’s a pile of information to research Cholecalciferol for yourself.

Human Toxicity Excerpts:

SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Vitamin D toxicity in infancy and childhood is characterized by supravalvular aortic stenosis, mental retardation, a characteristic facies, renal tubular acidosis, nephrocalcinosis infantum, and generalized infantile arteriosclerosis. /Vitamin-D/

[Thienes, C., and T.J. Haley. Clinical Toxicology. 5th ed. Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger, 1972., p. 213] PEER REVIEWED

/SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS/ Patients should be informed of the dangers and symptoms of vitamin D intoxication. Early symptoms of hypercalcemia may include weakness, fatigue, somnolence, headache, anorexia, dry mouth, metallic taste, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, constipation, diarrhea, vertigo, tinnitus, ataxia, exanthema, hypotonia (in infants), muscle pain, bone pain, and irritability. Later and sometimes more serious consequences of hypercalcemia may include rhinorrhea, pruritus, decreased libido, nephrocalcinosis, impairment of renal function (resulting in polyuria, nocturia, polydipsia, hyposthenuria, and proteinuria), osteoporosis in adults, decreased growth in children, weight loss, anemia, calcific conjunctivitis, photophobia, metastatic calcification, pancreatitis, generalized vascular calcification, and seizures. Rarely, patients may develop hypertension or overt psychosis. Urinary calcium, phosphate, and albumin; BUN; and serum cholesterol, AST (SGOT), and ALT (SGPT) concentrations may increase. Serum alkaline phosphatase concentrations may decrease. Serum electrolyte imbalances along with mild acidosis may result in cardiac arrhythmias. /Vitamin D/

[McEvoy, G.K. (ed.). American Hospital Formulary Service- Drug Information 2005. Bethesda, MD: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc. 2005 (Plus Supplements)., p. 3541] PEER REVIEWED

/SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS/ Vitamin D toxicity may be manifested in the fetus. There is a relationship between excess maternal vitamin D intake or extreme sensitivity and nonfamilial congenital supravalvular aortic stenosis. In infants, this anomaly is often associated with other stigmata of hypercalcemia. Maternal hypercalcemia also may result in suppression of parathyroid function in the newborn, with resultant hypocalcemia, tetany, and seizures. /Vitamin D/

[Hardman, J.G., L.E. Limbird, P.B., A.G. Gilman. Goodman and Gilman’s The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. 10th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2001., p. 1729] PEER REVIEWED

“Cholecalciferol, or activated vitamin D3, causes a life-threateningly high calcium and phosphorus level in the body, resulting in severe, acute kidney failure. This can progress to chronic kidney failure and have long-term repercussions. Common signs of poisoning may not be evident for 1-2 days, when the poison has already resulted in significant -and potentially permanent – damage to the body. Increased thirst and urination, weakness, lethargy, a decreased appetite, and halitosis (“uremic” breath) may be seen. Acute kidney failure develops 2-3 days after ingestion of this type of mouse and rat poison.

Unfortunately, cholecalciferol mouse and rat poison does not have an antidote, and is one of the most challenging poisoning cases to treat as hospitalization, frequent laboratory monitoring and expensive therapy is often required for a positive outcome. Treatment includes aggressive IV fluids (for 2-3 days) and specific drugs (e.g., diuretics, steroids, calcitonin and bisphosphonates) to decrease calcium levels in the body. Frequent monitoring of blood work (calcium, phosphorus, and kidney values) is often needed for a period of 2-6 weeks after ingestion.

Unfortunately, cholecalciferol has a very narrow margin of safety, which means that even small ingestions of this poison can result in severe clinical signs or death. Toxic ingestions must be treated quickly and appropriately to prevent kidney failure.”

Learn more:

Signs and symptoms

An excess of vitamin D causes abnormally high blood concentrations of calcium, which can cause overcalcification of the bones, soft tissues, heart and kidneys. In addition, hypertension can result.[2] Symptoms of vitamin D toxicity may include the following:

    •    Dehydration

    •    Vomiting

    •    Diarrhea

    •    Decreased appetite

    •    Irritability

    •    Constipation

    •    Fatigue

    •    Muscle weakness

    •    Metastatic calcification of the soft tissues

Hypervitaminosis D symptoms appear several months after excessive doses of vitamin D are administered. In almost every case, a low-calcium diet combined with corticosteroid drugs will allow for a full recovery within a month. It is possible that some of the symptoms of vitamin D toxicity are actually due to vitamin K depletion. One animal experiment has demonstrated that co-consumption with vitamin K reduced adverse effects, but this has not been tested in humans.[3]

A mutation of the CYP24A1 gene can lead to a reduction in the degradation of vitamin D and to hypercalcaemia (see Vitamin_D: Excess).

Breaking News! d-CON® Rodenticide Ingredient Changes to Vitamin D3

Cholecalciferol is main ingredient in rat poison. It is in vitamin D3. Is vitamin d3 safe?


12 Nov 2010 by zupzuke


21 October 2016


vitamin d3, vitamins, cholecalciferol

Cholecalciferol is main ingredient in rat poison. Too much Cholecalciferol can kill. Cholecalciferol is a main ingredient in vitamin d3 pills. I realize vitamon d3 is manufactured in labs. Is vitamin D3 safe? If yes, how can it be safe if it is the main ingredient in rat poison?

Combining Aspirin with Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) – A Potential New Tool for Controlling Possum Populations

There’s a healthy way to get your D, get 15 minutes of sunshine daily.
It’s free, And it won’t kill you.

Vit D is not a vitamin anyway, it’s a hormone.
You can only truly get it from the sun.
The sun is the most healing mechanism in our environment. But that’s another story…

On a similar note, Sodium Fluoride was the active ingredient in Rat
Poison decades ago before they added it to our drinking water under the
guise of preventing tooth decay, despite any legitimate scientific
efficacy studies to prove it reduced cavities.

Meanwhile it causes dental fluorosis.

(of which the negative ion is fluoride) is the main ingredient in
Prozac (Fluoxotine) and similar class drugs. NOT prescribed for tooth
decay. And includes documented adverse reactions that include homicidal
and suicidal ideations. Again, despite any legitimate scientific
efficacy study to prove it reduced mental illness or depression.

Anyway…  just another startlingly deadly coincidence.