Population control mechanisms using nanotech, TeLIEvision and the Interweb. A data dump of info on a whisper quiet operation, they really want you to think is “Crazy Conspiracy Theory” stuff.

There is not enough solid info on this subject, but this is a good one by APlaneTruth to start with.

AI Self-Replicting Nanobots Inside Us All; Target Humanity

Then this pops up… A huge gaffe. An accidental release of classified material on mind control comes with an unrelated FOIA request.. You have to see this.

US government accidentally sends a strange conspiracy theory file describing ‘remote mind control’ and ‘forced memory blanking’



Is it in you? 

Yep… I confirmed as much with a few fun years with a microscope.

I scoped food from numerous sources and found nanofibers in every single example.

It’s also embedded in clothes, blankets and bed sheets. 

Yes, it’s quite easy to verify the presence of fibers in the sky.

Take a strip of clear tape. Hang it outside after a heavy spray day.

Look at it with a microscope or 10x (or greater) magnifying glass.

Nanofibers will be seen in mass. Here’s a playlist highlighting that reality.

I suggest do a little scoping on your own. Start with your skin or hair. A hairbrush is an easy starting point. Nanofibers are 1/100th the size of a hair so it’s not really possible to get them confused. You will find this more interesting and important when you have confirmed it is inside you…

There are other types of nanotech as well.

Dataasylum.com is an amazing site on the subject.

Aside from nanotech concerns COPD has risen to 3rd leading cause of death (likely from nano fibers “obstructing” people’s lungs) and the oceans are being chocked by nano fibers they are blaming on clothes…

Check out the online catalog from Sigma Aldrich to purchase nanofibers for various applications. https://www.sigmaaldrich.com/technical-documents/articles/materials-science/nanomaterials/carbon-nanofibers.html

Fascinating documentary compilation of known cases of government mind control.

MIND CONTROL – VOICE TO SKULL TECHNOLOGY https://youtu.be/hw7Z0GyYJjc?t=1m11s

Watch this mindblowing expose/discovery by Richie from Boston about TV/HULU as patented, frequency propagated mind control, and the coming 5G control grid with documented evidence…



And the previous article helps fill in some blanks. Very interesting theory on this device as an energy/spirit portal and programming tool.

TELEVISION Will Kill you PATENT to PROVE it YouTube


*These Patents From the 60s and 70s show what their true intent behind the “entertainment” industry and HOLLYWOOD was and still is. Television, cell phones and computer all have the capability to mind control or worse people using them or nearby. RFB

Pretty soon commercial uses will be in play for this tech.
They shoot out a signal to get you to crave a Big Mac… Instead of advertising to influence your decisions, they just control you directly…


DARPA Using Warfare Technology On Unsuspecting Civilians For Mass Mind Control


Now if you dare face the reality of BioAPI, (Biometric Application Programming Interface) (Biological nanotech-implants , self-assembling nanofibers with neural sensing capabilities). In other words, Remote control devices already “growing” inside you that can be activated if/when…

Here’s the hole for that rabbit.





Most importantly, check out the section on “Live examples” of people being remotely hijacked and controlled. Once you comprehend the reality here you will NEVER see the world in the same light… Like when Nada puts on those sunglasses in “They Live”. You cannot unsee this.


Remote control with nanotech

Here they spell it out for you. It’s not crazy conspiracy theory when they pass it off as revolutionary science… 

Imagine someone remotely controlling your brain, forcing your body’s central processing organ to send messages to your muscles that you didn’t authorize. It’s an incredibly scary thought, but scientists have managed to accomplish this science fiction nightmare for real, albeit on a much small scale, and they were even able to prompt their test subject to run, freeze in place, or even completely lose control over their limbs. Thankfully, the research will be used for good rather than evil… for now.

It requires the implantation of specially built DNA strands and nanoparticles which attach to specific neurons — but once the minimally invasive procedure is over, the brain can be remotely controlled via an alternating magnetic field.

DARPA’s new research in brain-computer interfaces is allowing a pilot to control multiple simulated aircraft at once.


“It’s a brave new world, order”….

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